Pedagogical Content
Pedagogical Content

Teaching methods
Even though SIS Palembang uses the Cambridge curriculum, which is the high level of education. The teaching method is still based on teacher as a major authority because students in primary 4 are still children. Their abilities for learning are still weak and need the navigator to guide them. However, that doesn’t mean that students are only a passive leaner like the old learning style. Teacher will be a coach to guide them, not to command. After students get some guidance, they can surpass their obstacles in their leaning by themselves.
Learning materials and innovation
There are many efficient materials provided in this school both for the main subjects and the extra curriculum. The main learning materials that are not different from the others are books and notebooks in each class. To support the Cambridge curriculum, The standard books for main subjects will be sent from the Cambridge. Therefore it is a teacher’s work to select the best one for teaching in each period. The need of learning material has no need to be the same as ever, it is up to students’ level and ability. On the other hands, if there aren’t any materials, teacher is able to make by themselves by searching on the Internet and DIY.
Sources of learning and technology
The first advantage of this school is that they have many sources of learning and technology for teaching students already. For example; students want to learn about the fables, teacher can suggest them to find the suitable stories for their levels from the library. In science period, if they need equipment for the experiment, there is a laboratory that provides every standard Science learning material. Moreover, there are ICT rooms where provides students the electronic equipment and computers for learning technology. SIS Palembang has staffs for taking care of sources of leaning so that they can be ready for students to use anytime.
Authentic assessment
In regular school, there are assessments in every term of school to evaluate students’ abilities. However, in SIS Palembang, it uses the Cambridge curriculum which doesn’t see the evaluation as the first priority. So students in primary have no need to take the examination for evaluation at the end of every term, but there are still some tests for student to check that the purpose of teaching is success or not.
SIS Palembang is a private school that has a different curriculum from normal schools in Indonesia. So there are surely somethings that privilege from others. For example; the duration for studying in each period, the special activities, or the number of students in each class that has less than normal school and etc. Furthermore, the assessment for the very younger student is not used for much considerate. Therefore there are less stress when compare with other schools.